One of Seiko’s most iconic watches, with an appearance in a James Bond movie and produced in no less than 10 different versions, the G757 is unfortunately one of the Seiko’s most unreliable modules.
Which is a pity since it has a load of features and is a great-looking module.
The James Bond version is the G757-5020 identifiable by the horseshoe bezel with SPORTS 100 embossed at the top, a black and stainless bracelet, and yellow highlights on the LCD. If anyone is selling a James Bond G757 which doesn’t have these three features, it’s not the correct model. It may have one or two of the correct pieces, but since LCDs and other pieces of the module are interchangeable, and there is an alternative horseshoe model (5000) you may be being sold a cobbled-together watch that’s non-original.
The flakiness of the module seems to be most common in watches where the battery has been left to go flat. A new battery isn’t enough to kickstart the module back into life. People have tried various methods, with differing degrees of success, to fix the module, but there isn’t any consistent repair that works better than another, or that is permanent.
Features of the watch are an analog LCD to complement the digital time, day/date, alarm and chime, stopwatch, dual time and countdown timer. It’s been done by other manufacturers too, but none so successfully as this one.
There are always several for sale on eBay but those that are working sell from USD200 upwards, while non-working ones (which are most of them) can also command high prices.
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