Small, thin and looking more like a makeup case than a calculator, the MG-770 was the little brother (sister?) to the popular MG-880 and may have been pitched at the fairer sex, or those with a light touch!
It wasn’t the only small form factor game calculator Casio made (the MG-333 and BG-8 were both of a similar size and style) but it was the first. And it cost more (perhaps another pointer to the corporate market, than the schoolyard). While the MG-880 weighed in at ¥4900, the MG-770 was pricier at ¥5500. So you paid more for less calculator…sounds fair.
And putting that kind of tech into a smaller space comes with some limitations. The MG-770 calculator was the only one I’ve come across where Casio sealed access to the internals with paper tape, printed with a warning not to proceed any further. It makes sense too, the LCD must have been under more pressure in the MG-770 than other calculators as it is very rare to find one these days without mild to moderate LCD bleed which spoils the fun a lot.
To the calculator itself, it’s much like the MG-890 with its soft-touch keys, just smaller.
Playing the game is still reasonably comfortable but you certainly cant bang on the keys like you can with the MG-880 – not that you’d want to.
The keys are very responsive, whether playing the game, making music or just tapping out tax calculations, but it’s too small for me. It is definitely a calculator of some refinement, but give me the MG-880 any day.
Very rare today, particularly with an intact LCD, they are worth grabbing if you see one, as the value can only increase!
Does this have the box and manual…and does it work and have any defects like scratches?
No box or manual but does have the original plastic wallet which is in very nice condition. Calculator excellent condition, no scratches or defects.
Got one, with Wallet,no box no manual, perfect near mint
What is the battery type for this calculator uses.