The beautiful game meets the calculator in 1984 and the result is way better than you might imagine!
It’s one thing to put a relatively simple (comparatively) game of Pachinko or Reversi into a calculator format, even if you need a bigger than usual screen, but to add a fully-working game of soccer takes some careful programming!
Building on the success of the Baseball (BB-9, BB-10, BB-101) series, soccer was maybe a natural game to add next (or American Football maybe, but perhaps not the universal appeal) to the stable of calculator games.
Available as a handheld sans calculator (SG-11), the SG-12 shares the mid-1980s look of the PG-200 and CG-8.
Even without the instructions, this game is able to be played, if not mastered, in a short while. You have the option of moving left, right or forward or kicking the ball – hopefully to one of your team mates, not the opposition!
Play well enough and you are rewarded with a goal, make enough mistakes and it’s the opposition who will be celebrating!
Lots of fun once you get used to the controls, this was probably one of the last game calculators Casio made – sad really.
An identical version was released in France by Olympia (official distributor) – the FT1. Both these calculators are hard to find today but the Casio version does pop up on eBay a couple of times a year so keep an eye out if you’re a fan.
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