Casio TG-2 囲碁 Go (Tsumego)

Casio TG-2 囲碁 Go (Tsumego)

This calculator is a real surprise – since there is next to no information about it anywhere on the internet, I figured it to be another derivative of the CG-8 Reversi / Othello game.

Turns out that Go is an old old old game and other than the round counters, bears little resemblence to Reversi at all. Check out the Wikipedia article on Go.

It is also the only game calculator from Casio that is this particular shape (although there are plenty of non-game calcs in this style) – it has a rotating contrast control on the side of the calc.

I haven’t totally got to grips with the game, but fortunately it has a hint/solve function which makes it easier – the instruction manual would be nice though!

Rare as a rare thing, you won’t see many of these around. And if you are after a cerebral game, you can’t go past Go. They were playing it before Jesus was born so it must be good!

Read more about Go on this blog dedicated to sightings of the game.

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6 Responses to Casio TG-2 囲碁 Go (Tsumego)

  1. I have a set of CASIO TG-2, (made in Japan 1984) It is a game and calculator. In fact I only used it a few times when bought. This set have been kept in good condtion, intact. Now after some 27years,
    it looks still brand new at outer appearance but cannot work at all. (in the back side, noted-use Battery 3V x 2
    but i could not find the screw to open the case to re-stall the battery.)
    Could you pls tell me: how can i install the batteries? If i install the batteries
    could this set be used(game and calculator) properly?
    Fyi, one of my friends who has been using a very old (mark I green lamp light)calculator made by Sharp co.,since 40 years ago. Today that calculator still works well. I trust Casio can make the as good qualities. Please comment.
    {or do you suggest i bright it to you for checking and maintaince next time when i visit Japan?)
    Awaiting yr kind attn and response,
    bst rgds
    yours faithfully,

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