Dracula’s bank

Dracula’s bank

OK, so this doesn’t officially qualify as liquid crystal, but I found a couple of my childhood toys on eBay recently and had to share.

Mechanical, or battery-powered coin banks were insanely popular in the late 1970s (at least among my friends they were) but weren’t in plentiful supply in local toy shops so were held in high regard. A friend or relative returning from overseas with one of these toys could raise your social standing instantly among your classmates.

And they were pretty cool; a coin left in the appropriate slot would be whisked away by a wizened hand, skeletal arm, moving teeth, a worm, two kissing lovebirds…just about anything!

Dracula’s bank had a couple of fun features, first the whole bank would move when you placed a coin in the slot (assuming you had previously inserted the two C batteries it required) lifting and falling a few times before the lid opened and a green hand and arm emerged toward the coin. The hand moves slowly toward the coin, grabs it, and instantly — and I mean instantly — disappear, closing the lid and taking the coin with it.

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9 Responses to Dracula’s bank

    • If you aren’t fussy about it being a dracula-branded one, do an eBay search for “coin bank magic hand” and you should see a few of them — prices are pretty good, but I haven’t seen one in person so can’t guarantee the quality.

      • From memory there isn’t a lot to them. Check the contacts in the battery bay haven’t become oxidised from old batteries first. If that’s not the cause, it’s time to get the screwdrivers out!

  1. I’ve got one, as shown in the picture. If anybody wants to buy it, I’d be happy to sell it.
    The motor is working, but the cogs aren’t all engaging properly, hence it needs to be tinkered with.

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