This is a very sexy watch — no question!
Launched by Seiko 1974, it was the world’s first six digit LCD watch and was very expensive at ¥65000, or around £450/USD750 — recalculating that for today’s market puts it at around USD3500!!
It was also the first digital watch Seiko exported from Japan, and replaced the domestic models O5LC, O5LCA and O6LC. The other name for the 0624 is 06LCA.
Two versions of this watch were made, one in stainless steel, the other in gold plate. The gold version is rarer and almost impossible to find in mint condition due to the thin plating (and the nearly 40 years that has passed since the watch was released).
The best part about this watch is its understated elegance — remember this watch was made the year ABBA won the Eurovision song contest and the Watergate scandal erupted. The key inventions of 1974 were the Post-it Note, Rubik’s Cube and Liposuction…stiff competition indeed!
Fast forward to 2013 and this watch attracts comments like you wouldn’t believe. Considering all it does is tell the time (in daylight or at night thanks to the backlight) it is highly sought after by collectors of LCD watches, nostalgia and those who appreciate a quality timepiece.
Parts are nearly impossible to come by. If you find one, treasure it. It won’t be around forever so enjoy it while it lasts!
I have a working SS Seiko 06245009. How do I set it. I would be interested in selling is Ebay the most logical?
To set the 0624 pull out the side button (setting lever) the display should flash. Then press one of the front buttons to select (seconds, minutes, hours) and the other front button to set each. Once you have the correct time, push the side button in again. eBay is probably your best bet for selling, although the fees can be annoying. You could also offer it for sale (to me ;)) on a watch forum like Pocketcalculatorshow.com or The Digital Watch Forum.
I just took mine out of a drawer where it had been idle since approx 1980
Jeweler replaced battery and it lit right up and had run perfectly for several days since
Love it
Like a reunion with a long ago flame!
My wife is getting jealous of the attention
I may sleep with it if i dont get myself under control!
hello someone know were I can have a liquid Crystal panel parts for my Seiko 0624-5009 ???
Hi, your best bet is to try the forums at http://www.pocketcalculatorshow.com. Jules Borel used to sell them but they’ve been sold out for ages now. Good luck!
Hello, this thread is very old so you may not see this. However, do you happen to know the original price of the 0624 in gold? I see the ¥65000 yen figure thrown around a lot and I imagine that was the price of the stainless steel version. I haven’t been able to find much information or a sales brochure that has the price of the gold model.